The Gr4vy gift card simulator is a sandbox-only connector that can be used to simulate responses for balance checks and gift card redemptions and refunds. The values for the error_code, balance and expiration_date can be simulated by passing in different pin and gift card numbers. This can be used when testing your integration.


To configure the connection, you will need to set the following credentials.

API KeyThis is not validated and can be set to any string

Error Codes

The pin field is used to simulate error codes:

  • Starts with 0: Reserved for successful responses. Example: 01000.
  • Starts with 1: Validation error returned by the provider, error_code populated as explained below. Example 10001.
  • Starts with 2: Server error, error_code populated as explained below. Example: 20010.
  • Starts with 3: Client error, error_code populated as explained below. Example: 30003.

The rest of digits of the pin number will be used to determine the error_code:

error_codeDescriptionPIN last digits
invalid_gift_cardGift card details are invalid, e.g. number or pin.0000
expired_cardGift card expired.0001
inactive_cardGift card is inactive.0002
invalid_service_credentialsService credentials are not valid.0003
invalid_amountAmount is invalid.0004
incorrect_currencyCurrency was rejected by service.0005
insufficient_fundsAmount exceeds available balance.0006
invalid_service_configurationService is incorrectly configured.0007
operation_canceledOperation was canceled as part of the batch.0008
service_errorInternal server error or upstream processing error.0009
service_network_errorService was unreachable or experienced a timeout.0010
unknown_errorMapping to a more specific error code failed.0011

Any other value will be mapped to unknown_error too.


For endpoints returning the gift card balance, its value will be the pin number as an integer. The recommendation is that it starts with 0, so it’ll always be considered a successful response.

For example, a PIN of 01234 will result in a gift card balance of 12.34.

Expiration date

For endpoints returning the expiration date, the gift card number will be considered.

  • A gift card number that starts with 0 will result in an expiration date in the past. For example: 0000444455556666 will result an expiration date set in the past. Currently, this will be set to a month in the past, but this behavior may change.
  • A gift card number that starts with 1 will result in an expiration date in future past. For example: 1000444455556666 will result an expiration date set in the future. Currently, this will be set to a month in the future, but this behavior may change.
  • Otherwise, any other gift card will have no expiration date. For example: 9000444455556666 will result in a gift card without an expiration date.