The SDK can be configured in a few ways.

FieldOptional / RequiredDescription
gr4vyIdRequiredProvided in the manifest. The ID automatically sets the apiHost to api.<gr4vyId> for production and api.sandbox.<gr4vyId> and to embed.sandbox.<gr4vyId> for the sandbox environment.
environmentOptional"sandbox", "production". Defaults to "production". When "sandbox" is provided the URL will contain sandbox.GR4VY_ID.
tokenRequiredThe server-side generated JWT token used to authenticate any of the API calls.
amountRequiredThe amount to authorize or capture in the specified currency only.
currencyRequiredA valid, active, 3-character ISO 4217 currency code to authorize or capture the amount for.
countryRequiredA valid ISO 3166 country code.
buyerIdOptionalThe buyer ID for this transaction. The transaction will automatically be associated with a buyer with that ID.
buyerExternalIdentifierOptionalAn optional external ID for a Gr4vy buyer. The transaction will automatically be associated with a buyer with that external ID. If no buyer with this external ID exists then it will be ignored. This option is ignored if the buyerId is provided.
externalIdentifierOptionalAn optional external identifier that can be supplied. This will automatically be associated with any resource created by Gr4vy and can subsequently be used to find a resource by that ID.
storeOptional'ask', 'preselect', true, false - Explicitly store the payment method, ask the buyer or preselect it by default. Requires buyerId or buyerExternalIdentifier.
displayOptionalall, addOnly, storedOnly, supportsTokenization - Filters the payment methods to show stored methods only, new payment methods only or methods that support tokenization.
intentOptionalauthorize, preferAuthorize, capture - Defines the intent of this API call. This determines the desired initial state of the transaction. When used, preferAuthorize automatically switches to capture if the selected payment method doesn’t support delayed capture.
metadataOptionalAn optional dictionary of keys and values for transaction metadata. All values should be a string.
paymentSourceOptionalinstallment, recurring - Can be used to signal that Embed is used to capture the first transaction for a subscription or an installment. When used, store is implied to be true and display is implied to be supportsTokenization. This means that payment options that do not support tokenization are automatically hidden.
cartItemsOptionalAn optional array of cart item objects, each object must define a name, quantity, and unitAmount.
themeOptionalTheme customization options. See Theming. The iOS SDK also contains an additional two properties within the colors object; headerBackground and headerText. These are used for the navigation background and foreground colors.
localeOptionalAn optional locale, consists of an ISO 639 Language Code followed by an optional ISO 3166 Country Code, e.g. en, en-gb or pt-br.
statementDescriptorOptionalAn optional object with information about the purchase to construct the statement information the buyer will see in their bank statement. Please note support for these fields varies across payment service providers and underlying banks, so Gr4vy can only ensure a best-effort approach for each supported platform. As an example, most platforms will only support a concatenation of the name and description fields, this is truncated to a length of 22 characters within embed. The object can contain name, description, phoneNumber, city and url properties, with string values. phoneNumber should be in E164 format. Gr4vy recommends avoiding characters outside the alphanumeric range and the dot (.) to ensure wide compatibility.
requireSecurityCodeOptionalAn optional boolean that forces security code to be prompted for stored card payments.
shippingDetailsIdOptionalAn optional unique identifier of a set of shipping details stored for the buyer.

The Gr4vy ID is the unique identifier for your instance. Together with the environment (sandbox or production) it is used to connect to the right APIs.

The possible values for your ID are one of wpay, wpay1, wpay2, or wpay3. We will inform you in which instance your account has been set up.