  "type": "error", 
  "code": "bad_request",
  "status": 400,
  "message": "Request failed validation",
  "details": [
      "type": "type_error.uuid",
      "pointer": "/payment_method/buyer_id",
      "message": "value is not a valid uuid",
      "location": "body"

In case of a badly formatted API request, our API will return an error with an HTTP status code in the 400 to 499 range.

Based on the type of client error made, the response will be one of the following.

  • 400 Bad request - Returned when the request passed authentication and authorization checks, but the request did not have the data it expected. In most situations, this is because of missing request properties, or incorrect values for properties.
  • 401 Unauthorized - Returned when the bearer token was not valid and could not be used to authorize the API call. In this case please check the List 4XX errors API to inspect the cause of the issue.
  • 403 Forbidden - Returned when the bearer token is valid but the authenticating client does not have permission to access or manipulate the resource. This may be due to insufficient scopes in the JWT, a restricted API key used to sign the JWT, or a resource being locked.
  • 404 Not found - The resource could not be found. In a small number of cases, the resource may indeed exist, but due to permissions it is not accessible to the authenticated client and returning a 403 would provide information that should not be available to the caller.
  • 405 Method not allowed - The HTTP method used was not recognized for the path of the request.
  • 409 Duplicate record - A record already exists that matches one of the unique constrain for this resource. Check the API documentation for the call made to check what fields have a unique constraint.
  "type": "error", 
  "code": "bad_request",
  "status": 400,
  "message": "Request failed validation",
  "details": [
      "type": "type_error.uuid",
      "pointer": "/payment_method/buyer_id",
      "message": "value is not a valid uuid",
      "location": "body"

The type of object returned. This is always error.


The machine-readable code for this error. This is one of the following values.

  • bad_request
  • unauthorized
  • unauthorized
  • forbidden
  • not_found
  • method_not_allowed
  • duplicate_record

The HTTP status code of the error.


The human-readable description of this error.


A list of validation errors for the request.