- Transactions
- Buyers
- Checkout Sessions
- Payment links
- Payment options
- Payouts
- Refunds
- Sessions
- Settlement records
- Card schemes
- Digital wallets
- Gift cards
- Payment methods
- Payment method definitions
- Account updater
- Network tokens
- Payment service tokens
- Vault Forward
- Vault Forward endpoints
- Vault Forward authentication
- All services
- Payment services
- Digital wallets
- Anti-fraud services
- Flow
- Reports
- Report executions
List payment services
Lists the currently configured and activated payment services.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.{gr4vy_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"items": [
"type": "payment-service",
"id": "faaad066-30b4-4997-a438-242b0752d7e1",
"accepted_countries": [
"accepted_currencies": [
"active": true,
"created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43+00:00",
"display_name": "Stripe (Main)",
"fields": [
"key": "secret_key",
"value": "sk_test_26PHem9AhJZvU623DfE1x4sd"
"reporting_fields": [
"key": "ssh_username",
"value": "test_ssh_username"
"merchant_account_id": "default",
"merchant_profile": {
"amex": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"dankort": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"discover": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"jcb": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"mastercard": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"unionpay": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"visa": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"method": "card",
"network_tokens_enabled": true,
"open_loop": true,
"payment_method_tokenization_enabled": true,
"payment_service_definition_id": "stripe-card",
"settlement_reporting_enabled": true,
"status": "pending",
"three_d_secure_enabled": true,
"updated_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43+00:00",
"webhook_url": ""
"limit": 1,
"next_cursor": "ZXhhbXBsZTE",
"previous_cursor": null
This API is different from the list connections because it only returns payment services and not anti-fraud and gift card services.
This endpoint requires the
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Defines the maximum number of items to return for this request.
1 <= x <= 100
A cursor that identifies the page of results to return. This is used to paginate the results of this API.
For the first page of results, this parameter can be left out.
For additional pages, use the value returned by the API in
the next_cursor
field. Similarly the previous_cursor
can be used to
reverse backwards in the list.
Filters the results to only the items for which the method
has been set to
this value. For example card
, alipay
, alipayhk
, applepay
, bacs
, bancontact
, banked
, becs
, bitpay
, boleto
, boost
, card
, cashapp
, chaseorbital
, checkout-session
, clearpay
, click-to-pay
, dana
, dcb
, dlocal
, ebanx
, efecty
, eps
, everydaypay
, gcash
, gift-card
, giropay
, givingblock
, gocardless
, googlepay
, googlepay_pan_only
, gopay
, grabpay
, id
, ideal
, kakaopay
, kcp
, klarna
, laybuy
, linepay
, linkaja
, maybankqrpay
, mercadopago
, multibanco
, multipago
, netbanking
, network-token
, oney_3x
, oney_4x
, oney_6x
, oney_10x
, oney_12x
, ovo
, oxxo
, payid
, paymaya
, paypal
, paypalpaylater
, payto
, venmo
, pix
, pse
, rabbitlinepay
, razorpay
, scalapay
, sepa
, shopeepay
, singteldash
, smartpay
, sofort
, spei
, stripedd
, thaiqr
, touchngo
, truemoney
, trustly
, trustlyeurope
, upi
, vipps
, waave
, webpay
, wechat
, zippay
Filters the results to only show items which have been deleted. By default, deleted items will not be returned.
A list of active, configured payment services.
An active, configured payment service.
The type of this resource.
The ID of this payment service.
1 - 200
A list of countries for which this service is enabled, in ISO two-letter code format.
A list of currencies for which this service is enabled, in ISO 4217 three-letter code format.
Defines if this service is currently active or not.
The date and time when this service was created.
The custom name set for this service.
1 - 200
"Stripe (Main)"
A list of fields, each containing a key-value pair for each field
configured for this payment service. Fields marked as secret
(see Payment Service Definition) are not returned.
A list of fields, each containing a key-value pair for each field
configured for reporting for this payment service. Fields marked as
(see Payment Service Definition) are not returned.
The unique ID for a merchant account.
An object containing a key for each supported card scheme (Amex, Discover, Mastercard and Visa), and for each key an object with the merchant profile for this service and the corresponding scheme.
Merchant profile for Amex.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for Dankort.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for Discover.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for JCB.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for Mastercard.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for UnionPay.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
Merchant profile for Visa.
Acquirer bin to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
URL to send when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant ID to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant name to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant country code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
Merchant category code to use when calling 3DS through this scheme.
The date and time when this profile was created.
The payment method that this service handles.
, alipay
, alipayhk
, applepay
, bacs
, bancontact
, banked
, becs
, bitpay
, boleto
, boost
, card
, cashapp
, chaseorbital
, checkout-session
, clearpay
, click-to-pay
, dana
, dcb
, dlocal
, ebanx
, efecty
, eps
, everydaypay
, gcash
, gift-card
, giropay
, givingblock
, gocardless
, googlepay
, googlepay_pan_only
, gopay
, grabpay
, id
, ideal
, kakaopay
, kcp
, klarna
, laybuy
, linepay
, linkaja
, maybankqrpay
, mercadopago
, multibanco
, multipago
, netbanking
, network-token
, oney_3x
, oney_4x
, oney_6x
, oney_10x
, oney_12x
, ovo
, oxxo
, payid
, paymaya
, paypal
, paypalpaylater
, payto
, venmo
, pix
, pse
, rabbitlinepay
, razorpay
, scalapay
, sepa
, shopeepay
, singteldash
, smartpay
, sofort
, spei
, stripedd
, thaiqr
, touchngo
, truemoney
, trustly
, trustlyeurope
, upi
, vipps
, waave
, webpay
, wechat
, zippay
Defines if network tokens are enabled for the service. This feature
can only be enabled if the payment service is set as open_loop
the PSP is set up to accept network tokens.
Defines if the service works as an open-loop service. This feature can only be enabled if the PSP is set up to accept previous scheme transaction IDs.
Defines if tokenization is enabled for the service. This feature
can only be enabled if the payment service is NOT set as open_loop
and the PSP is set up to tokenize.
The ID of the payment service definition used to create this service.
1 - 50
Defines if settlement reporting is enabled for the service.
This feature can only be enabled if the payment service
definition supports the settlement_reporting
The current status of this service. This will start off as pending, move to created, and might eventually move to an error status if and when the credentials are no longer valid.
, created
, failed
Defines if 3-D Secure is enabled for the service. This feature
can only be enabled if the payment service definition supports
the three_d_secure_hosted
This does not affect pass through 3-D Secure data.
The date and time when this service was last updated.
The URL that needs to be configured with this payment service as the receiving endpoint for webhooks from the service to Gr4vy. Currently, Gr4vy does not yet automatically register webhooks on setup, and therefore webhooks need to be registered manually by the merchant.
The limit applied to request. This represents the number of items that are at maximum returned by this request.
1 <= x <= 100
The cursor that represents the next page of results. Use the cursor
parameter to fetch this page of items.
1 - 1000
The cursor that represents the next page of results. Use the cursor
parameter to fetch this page of items.
1 - 1000
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.{gr4vy_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"items": [
"type": "payment-service",
"id": "faaad066-30b4-4997-a438-242b0752d7e1",
"accepted_countries": [
"accepted_currencies": [
"active": true,
"created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43+00:00",
"display_name": "Stripe (Main)",
"fields": [
"key": "secret_key",
"value": "sk_test_26PHem9AhJZvU623DfE1x4sd"
"reporting_fields": [
"key": "ssh_username",
"value": "test_ssh_username"
"merchant_account_id": "default",
"merchant_profile": {
"amex": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"dankort": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"discover": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"jcb": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"mastercard": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"unionpay": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"visa": {
"merchant_acquirer_bin": "<string>",
"merchant_url": "<string>",
"merchant_acquirer_id": "<string>",
"merchant_name": "<string>",
"merchant_country_code": "<string>",
"merchant_category_code": "<string>",
"created_at": "2023-07-26T19:23:00.000+00:00"
"method": "card",
"network_tokens_enabled": true,
"open_loop": true,
"payment_method_tokenization_enabled": true,
"payment_service_definition_id": "stripe-card",
"settlement_reporting_enabled": true,
"status": "pending",
"three_d_secure_enabled": true,
"updated_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43+00:00",
"webhook_url": ""
"limit": 1,
"next_cursor": "ZXhhbXBsZTE",
"previous_cursor": null